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经济金融术语汉英对照表 H



合理预期 rational expectation

核心资本 core capital

合资企业 joint-venture enterprises

红利 dividend

宏观经济运营良好 sound macroeconomic performance

宏观经济基本状况 macroeconomic fundamentals

宏观调控 macroeconomic management(or adjustment)

宏观调控目标 macroeconomic objectives(or targets)

坏账 bad debt

还本付息 debt service

换汇成本 unit export cost;local currency cost of export earnings

汇兑在途 funds in float

汇兑支出 advance payment of remittance by the beneficiary's bank

汇率并轨 unification of exchange rates

活期存款 demand deposits

汇率失调 exchange rate misalignment

混合所有制 diversified(mixed)ownership

货币政策态势 monetary policy stance

货款拖欠 overdue obligations to suppliers

经济金融术语汉英对照表 D


打白条 issue IOU

大额存单 certificate of deposit(CD)

大额提现 withdraw deposits in large amounts

大面积滑坡 wide-spread decline

大一统的'银行体制 (all-in-one)mono-bank system

呆账(请见“坏账”) bad loans

呆账准备金 loan loss reserves(provisions)

呆滞贷款 idle loans

贷款沉淀 non-performing loans

贷款分类 loan classification

贷款限额管理 credit control;to impose credit ceiling

贷款约束机制 credit disciplinary(constraint)mechanism

代理国库 to act as fiscal agent

代理金融机构贷款 make loans on behalf of other institutions

戴帽贷款 ear-marked loans

倒逼机制 reversed transmission of the pressure for easing monetary condition

道德风险 moral hazard

地区差别 regional disparity

第一产业 the primary industry

第二产业 the secondary industry

第三产业 the service industry;the tertiary industry

递延资产 deferrable assets

订货不足 insufficient orders

定期存款 time deposits

定向募集 raising funds from targeted sources

东道国(请见“母国”) host country

独立核算 independent accounting

短期国债 treasury bills

对冲操作 sterilization operation;hedging

对非金融部门债权 claims on non-financial sector

多种所有制形式 diversified ownership

经济金融术语汉英对照表 E-F


恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation

二级市场 secondary market


发行货币 to issue currency

发行总股本 total stock issue

法定准备金 required reserves;reserve requirement

法人股 institutional shares

法人股东 institutional shareholders

法治 rule of law

房地产投资 real estate investment

放松银根 to ease monetary policy

非现场稽核 off-site surveillance(or monitoring)

非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions

非赢利性机构 non-profit organizations

分税制 assignment of central and local taxes;tax assignment system

分业经营 segregation of financial business(services);division of business scope based on the type of financial institutions

风险暴露(风险敞口) risk exposure

风险管理 risk management

风险意识 risk awareness

风险资本比例 risk-weighted capital ratios

风险资本标准 risk-based capital standard

服务事业收入 public service charges;user's charges

扶贫 poverty alleviation

负增长 negative growth

复式预算制 double-entry budgeting;capital and current budgetary account

经济金融术语汉英对照表 G


改革试点 reform experimentation

杠杆率 leverage ratio

杠杆收购 leveraged buyout

高息集资 to raise funds by offering high interest

个人股 non-institutional shares

根本扭转 fundamental turnaround(or reversal)

公开市场操作 open market operations

公款私存 deposit public funds in personal accounts

公用事业 public utilities

公有经济 the state-owned sector;the public sector

公有制 public ownership

工业成本利润率 profit-to-cost ratio

工业增加值 industrial value added

供大于求 supply exceeding demand;excessive supply

鼓励措施 incentives

股份合作企业 joint-equity cooperative enterprises

股份制企业 joint-equity enterprises

股份制银行 joint-equity banks

固定资产贷款 fixed asset loans

关税减免 tariff reduction and exemption

关税减让 tariff concessions

关税优惠 tariff incentives;preferential tariff treatment

规范行为 to regularize(or standardize)…behavior

规模效益 economies of scale

国计民生 national interest and people's livelihood

国家对个人其他支出 other government outlays to individuals

国家风险 country risk

国际分工 international division of labor

国际收支 balance of payments

国有独资商业银行 wholly state-owned commercial banks

国有经济(部门) the state-owned(or public)sector

国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOEs)

国有制 state-ownership

国有资产流失 erosion of state assets

国债回购 government securities repurchase

国债一级自营商 primary underwriters of government securities

过度竞争 excessive competition

过度膨胀 excessive expansion

过热迹象 signs of overheating

经济金融术语汉英对照表 J


基本建设投资 investment in infrastructure

基本经济要素 economic fundamentals

基本适度 broadly appropriate

基准利率 benchmark interest rate

机关团体存款 deposits of non-profit institutions

机会成本 opportunity cost

激励机制 incentive mechanism

积压严重 heavy stockpile;excessive inventory

挤提存款 run on banks

挤占挪用 unwarranted diversion of(financial)resources(from designated uses)

技改投资 investment in technological upgrading

技术密集型产品 technology-intensive product

计划单列市 municipalities with independent planning status

计划经济 planned economy

集体经济 the collective sector

加大结构调整力度 to intensify structural adjustment

加工贸易 processing trade

加快态势 accelerating trend

加强税收征管稽查 to enhance tax administration

加权价 weighted average price

价格放开 price liberalization

价格形成机制 pricing mechanism

减亏 to reduce losses

简化手续 to cut red tape;to simplify(streamline)procedures

交投活跃 brisk trading

缴存准备金 to deposit required reserves

结构扭曲 structural distortion

结构失调 structural imbalance

结构性矛盾突出 acute structural imbalance

结构优化 structural improvement(optimization)

结汇、售汇 sale and purchase of foreign exchange

金融脆弱 financial fragility

金融动荡 financial turbulence

金融风波 financial disturbance

金融恐慌 financial panic

金融危机 financial crisis

金融压抑 financial repression

金融衍生物 financial derivatives

金融诈骗 financial fraud

紧缩银根 to tighten monetary policy

紧缩政策 austerity policies;tight financial policies

经常账户可兑换 current account convertibility

经济特区 special economic zones(SEZs)

经济体制改革 economic reform

经济增长方式的转变 change in the main source of economic growth(from investment expansion to efficiency gains)

经济增长减速 economic slowdown;moderation in economic growth

经济制裁 economic sanction

经营自主权 autonomy in management

景气回升 recovery in business activity

境外投资 overseas investment

竞争加剧 intensifying competition

局部性金融风波 localized(isolated)financial disturbance

经济金融术语汉英对照表 M-P


买方市场 buyer's market

卖方市场 seller's market

卖出回购证券 matched sale of repo

贸易差额 trade balance

民间信用 non-institutionalized credit

免二减三 exemption of income tax for the first two years ofmaking profit and 50% tax reduction for thefollowing three years

明补 explicit subsidy

明亏 explicit loss

名牌产品 brand products

母国(请见“东道国”) home country


内部控制 internal control

内部审计 internal audit

内地与香港 the mainland and Hong Kong

内债 domestic debt

扭亏为盈 to turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one

扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources

农副产品采购支出 outlays for agricultural procurement

农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives(RCCs)


泡沫效应 bubble effect

泡沫经济 bubble economy

培育新的经济增长点 to tap new sources of economic growth

片面追求发展速度 excessive pursuit of growth

平衡发展 balanced development

瓶颈制约 bottleneck(constraints)

平稳回升 steady recovery

铺底流动资金 initial(start-up)working capital

普遍回升 broad-based recovery

配套改革 concomitant(supporting)reforms

配套人民币资金 local currency funding of…

#对照 #汉英 #金融 #术语